Mashing the Doctor Who universe with the wizarding world of Harry Potter isn’t that much of a stretch. One could argue that the former is science fiction and the latter is fantasy, but the two are close cousins and when it all comes down to it, you could just about take the TARDIS or Apparate anywhere.

Had the TARDIS landed right in the middle of Hogwarts and provided any of the Doctors and their companions a chance to attend the school of witchcraft and wizardry, they might find themselves enjoying tea and pumpkin pasties with their housemates in these Hogwarts Houses.

Eleventh Doctor: Hufflepuff

Matt Smith’s Doctor was charming, warm and loyal to his companions, the Ponds, particularly Amy. If any of the Doctors belong to the Hufflepuff house, it’s definitely the Eleventh.

This isn’t to say that the Eleventh Doctor was perfect in his devotion. He was rather terrible at it, making her wait for him for years at a time, making mistake after mistake until he ultimately couldn’t even save her from her final fate. Still, he always tried to do what was best for her and Rory, even when it hurt, demonstrating how human his Gallifreyan alien hearts really are.

Amy Pond: Slytherin

The Girl Who Waited is just as often described as a deceptive girl who vacillated between Rory and The Doctor, prompting some fans to say that Amy Pond never deserved Rory Williams. Other fans cite her as their favorite companion, which proves that this Slytherin may be sly, but she also has quite redeeming qualities.

Karen Gillan’s companion was clever, fast-thinking, funny and brave. She took chances and even though she was probably partly in love with The Doctor, she made it clear that Rory was her choice. She’d definitely give the Slytherins a run for their money when it comes to tricky behavior.

River Song: Slytherin

If the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, Amy Pond’s daughter, River Song, certainly doesn’t deviate from her mother’s own Slytherin tendencies. If anything, River emulates the house qualities of pride and ambition more than her mother up to the point of self-sacrifice in the library. River is one patient human with limited time lord capabilities, and she suffered through a terrible youth in order to travel through space and time to be with not only her parents during their teen years, but her eventual husband who met her on the day she gave her life for him.

River knows how to deceive, whether through hallucinogenic lipstick or pushing the Doctor’s buttons, and she knows more spoilers than any other companion.

Rory Williams: Hufflepuff

If Rory Williams were added to the Harry Potter canon, he would be the epitome of the faithful and true Hufflepuff, putting even Cedric Diggory to shame. Rory solidified himself as the model of what loyalty in a friend and a lover should look like when he served as the Last Centurion, guarding his beloved Amy for nearly 2,000 years.

Rory would fit right in in Hufflepuff, making just a few close friends whom he’d be very loyal to during his years as a companion at Hogwarts. He’d be brave in battle, but it would be while protecting those he loves the most rather than for the glory of winning.

Martha Jones: Ravenclaw

Martha Jones is one of the cleverest companions The Doctor has ever worked with, which is why he ultimately chose her during his post-Rose Tyler doldrums. She was training to be a doctor, for starters, and she not only was able to learn everything quickly on her travels with the Tenth Doctor, but she also used it to teach others about him and ultimately saved him–all without the help of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.

Freema Agyeman didn’t enough time in the series for many fans, but had she remained a companion for longer it’s likely that her brilliance would have continued to get the Doctor out of trouble. She would be well-suited for learning alongside her fellow Ravenclaws.

Ninth Doctor: Gryffindor

Boldly jumping into one perilous journey after another and declaring, “Fantastic!” at mundane things, the exuberant Ninth Doctor was intended to demonstrate a vast change from the War Doctor who sacrificed so much. The Ninth Doctor was a cheeky, cheerful Gryffindor, only annoyed by the mother of his love interest. Danger and excitement were his thing, and his leather jacket only served as icing on the cake.

Christopher Eccleston only had a season as the Doctor, but it was a season that drew many people back to the show after its long hiatus, and that’s exactly what Gryffindors do: they reach out to bring us along on the adventure.

Rose Tyler: Gryffindor

There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that Rose Tyler is an adventure-craving Gryffindor. Who else would leave their mundane life behind in an instant to travel through time and space with a person they’d just met? While she’s not as brainy as other companions, Rose’s gut instincts usually steer her in the right direction, and she’d give her life to save the Doctor, or anyone else she cares about.

Rose would be the student getting Howlers from all of the people she left behind, like Mickey and her mom. She would also be the one to lead the S.P.E.W. and charge in bravely beside her friends, ready to take on Voldemort.

Sarah Jane Smith: Ravenclaw

Sarah Jane Smith is one of the longest-running companions, and for good reason: she’s smart as heck. An inquisitive journalist who never stops until she gets to the heart of the matter, Sarah Jane knows how to skirt around rules like a Slytherin, bravely face dangers for the truth like a Gryffindor and remain loyal to the Doctor and maintain her own good nature like a Hufflepuff, but her continuous ability to know just what to do, using only her wit, makes her a prime Ravenclaw candidate.

Sarah Jane wasn’t only a companion in the 1970s and 80s, but she returned in the 2000s for both Doctor Who as well as her own spin-off, The Sarah Jane Adventures.

Donna Noble: Hufflepuff

There’s no companion more loyal than Donna Noble, who literally became the Doctor in order to save the universe, only to forget it all and lead a normal life later. Fans still mourn the fact that she was the most important person in the world, and she’ll never know.

Donna definitely had some Slytherin qualities when the Doctor first encountered her on her wedding day, but it didn’t take long for the sarcastic, strong companion to use her shrewd mind to assess each situation and seal herself the title of most loved companion by many fans. Donna is much pricklier than the average Hufflepuff, but she’s just as loyal as anyone in the house.

Tenth Doctor: Slytherin

Of all the modern Doctors, the Tenth has been the most ambitious. When he announced there was so much he could do, people felt chills. David Tennant’s Doctor dubbed himself “Time Lord Victorious,” and he ruined Harriet Jones’ career with three sexist words after she’d helped him so much and was only doing what he, himself, has done many times.

The Tenth Doctor is still a favorite, which is a nod to how Slytherins can still be loved and even good, but he’s definitely made some selfish decisions. In the end, like many Doctors before him, he still tried to do right by his companions, giving us one of the most tearful goodbyes of any Doctor.