The mother of two weeped over how her Visa had supposedly been charged multiple times at a Mexican air terminal restaurant in a Facebook live video.

Korra Obidi underlined how her American bank answered rapidly to the point of halting the utilization of the card before her investment funds were additionally utilized.

“Folks, the principal thing has occurred in Mexico. I just got seven warnings… recollect that spot… the spot that had the Margarita Ville… where I purchased a $35 Margarita?

They have been charging this card for various quick food varieties, $225 here, $225 there. I’ve not even had supper and somebody is as of now been charging my card for various things.

“Recollect that place that I let you know that I felt like I was misled; at the air terminal… the spot that had a beverage for $10 and out of nowhere the beverage is $35.

— (@GhGossipDotCom) October 30, 2022

I just got a security alert from wings to stop… somebody has spent my Visa on certain wings, and afterward I got one more ready for some cheap food, $285 of my cash on wings.

“This is more awful than Lagos, we are learning in their grasp. Yippee dey learns for their hand. Yippee young men need to come and gain work from Mexicans’ hands.

“I’ve called the Bank of America. Express gratitude toward God for the most astounding bank of all time.

I called them in five seconds, and somebody got the call and they obstructed this card. I can’t eat, however they said they will give me my cash back,” she said.