The trailer opens with Amy Adams as Giselle, a princess that finds her course from her stimulated dream land into this current reality winding up in the suburbs of Monroeville and hitched to Robert Philip (Patrick Dempsey).

James Marsden, who played Giselle’s stupid dream sovereign – – and who ends up with Robert’s ex, Nancy (Idina Menzel) – – in the essential film, told ET the past fall that he was anxious to return to the gig.

“They have been taking a gander at making it for quite a while,” said Marsden, who’s rehashing his occupation of Sovereign Edward. “I let my creative mind run wild in many cases beforehand and actually I was like, ‘Certain, clear, they will make it.’ And last year they said, ‘We are truly doing this,’ and they sent tunes, and I’m like, ‘okay, this is real.’”

“Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz repeated the aggregate of the music, and Amy Adams [is] accepting her remarkable part as Princess Giselle,” he added. “Yet again it was heaps of horseplay getting back and working with Idina and returning the lines to working properly and the singing stuff.”

Disney pronounced in May that Disenthralled will show up exclusively on Disney+ in 2022. While Marsden was eager to get back to singing, the performer joked about the challenges of returning to a task following 15 years.

“I have never felt more prepared,” he kidded. “Fifteen years isn’t the sort of period of time you really want to keep things under control for the continuation of your film where you play a Disney sovereign [to come out]. You return in and you just got a gut and three jaws.”

Marsden, by and large, communicated, getting back to the universe of Charmed “was engaging.” “I think we made something remarkably extraordinary,” he told ET. “I trust people will dig it.”

Adams as of late told ET that returning to her occupation for the approaching endeavor was “dumbfounding.” “It was really pleasant to get to get back to that work that inferred such an immense sum to me. I had such a giant love toward her and her existence,” she shared. “It was just a really exceptional time. I get to sing an extraordinary arrangement in that one… It’s a party of Charmed.”

— Walt Disney Studios (@DisneyStudios) September 9, 2022

Despite the returning cast, Maya Rudolph will play someone else, Malvina, Giselle’s enemy. Adams communicated “getting to play off of” Rudolph was “shocking,” while the SNL alum rambled to ET about her horrible work.

“I’m particularly amped available. Toward the day’s end, that is Delicious Town, USA,” Rudolph said. “Exactly when you’re a youth and you’re the loser, you’re like, ‘Please! I need to be a princess!’ However by then when you age, like, the trouble maker is engaging.”