“Everybody has been horrendously welcoming, preposterously welcoming,” Helgenberger told writers Friday during CBS’ virtual television Intellectuals Association press visit. “I feel the veneration. I feel their respect towards me. I’m so grateful for that. I’m having a lot of horseplay working with everybody. The opinions are normal that I have for the performers as a whole, the researchers in general, the group clearly. It’s great times. It’s been, you know, the set is vastly novel corresponding to our one of a kind set. I’m really finding new rooms, believe it or not!”


“Clearly, I miss a part of the old gang, but I moved past that in a little while considering the way that everyone’s been so welcoming and smart,” the 63-year-old performer added.

One of the central purposes behind Helgenberger’s decision to get back to the universe of CSI was her advantage over where Catherine was at this point in her life and occupation. Restoring her to a characteristic world, yet nearby another gathering intrigued her.

“Especially like all through regular daily existence, there’s such endless things that happen in your life that changes you a touch. Preferably it progresses your life as opposed to chops you down. I just had to get back to that individual to see where she is. I love the way that she really has that energy, truly has that much fire regardless of everything needs to make a difference,” Helgenberger got a handle on. “Moreover, I expected to do it with a completely unique assembling that, like I said, have been so welcoming. Thusly, I’m really finding unequivocally where she is at this point in her life and what means a lot to her.”

Helgenberger’s relationship with the individual has been a common example. Her CSI: Vegas debut signifies the third time she’s returned to the foundation, following her fundamental 12-season run and the 2015 series finale of the principal show.

“Exactly when I left partially through season 12 of the principal series, I kind of expected to step back since I had been [playing her] for so long and she was such a piece of my life. I felt like she had become piece of my character a dab,” she said. “Having that perspective, being away from her and returning a significant way as this, I missed her truth be told. I missed her excitement, I missed her swagger, I missed her energy. By and by it’s been 22 years sometime later since the farewell of the show. Particularly like all through regular daily existence, I’m like, who is this person? How I do I keep on dealing with myself and make the world a predominant spot? Everything.”

Helgenberger, creators shared, was high on their overview of one of a kind cast people to bring back at first for season 1. Regardless, conflicts with her other series, All Rising, made it trying to make that possible. So at whatever point the entryway arose again going before season 2, showrunner/boss creator Jason Tracey revealed they alluded to her as “immediately” when the powers of destiny arranged. Nevertheless, “it was everything except a speedy ‘punishment yes,’” as Helgenberger perceived, but she looked at two or three episodes in the primary season (“Sure, there were minutes where I was like, ‘I should be in there!’” she kidded.)

“I expected to guarantee there was a legitimization for why Catherine would get back to this work,” she said. “How should Catherine, at this age, why might it be fitting for her to return? That was really fundamental to me, so I had a couple of conversations with Jason about that and we expected to nail it and I figure we did. We will continue to do that as the season progresses.”

— Entertainment Tonight (@etnow) September 16, 2022

In the looming sophomore season, there will be a one of a kind Catherine-driven hour that was particularly reaching for both Helgenberger and CSI producer Anthony Zuiker.

“Marg and I went to the Beverly Slants Housing and had a splendid breakfast and had a joint exertion story meeting. Obviously I missed piece for the main cast, I was delighted so much that Marg is back. It’s reliably pleasant to do a lone A story, especially around an extraordinary star like Marg,” Zuiker said.

“Around the start of that day that we met for breakfast in that little parlor, I associated with you considering the way that your mother had passed and my mother had passed, and for me… a piece of the motivation for doing that episode was to honor my mom,” Helgenberger said, as she got observably up close and personal. “So thank you for offering me that opportunity. I didn’t expect to turn out to be so up close and personal about that. I basically had to confer that to you and with everybody, just so individuals who might be watching the episode, that was the [motivation] for both of us.”

Watch the long season 2 trailer underneath.

CSI: Vegas debuts Thursday, Sept. 29 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.