In the clasp, Kim should be visible at first offering to her legal counselor about her commitment with Usman subsequent to getting the gift from his folks.

“Seems like we are prepared for the life partner visa,” her attorney answered to the news. Kim later read an understanding about her commitment to Usman to her legal counselor, which expressed, “Kim Menzies should permit Usman to wed a young woman in the future to empower them to have kids.”

Accordingly, her attorney told the couple such a plan is “restricted” in the U.S., making sense of for Usman, “You would lose your green card assuming it were observed that you were polygamous.”

Seeming frustrated in her admission, Kim said, “In the event that Usman can’t require a subsequent spouse, then I don’t figure he will wed me.”

— Robin Heater (@Tishara72) November 14, 2022

While conversing with Diversion This evening recently, Kim held fast on her choice to allow Usman to require a subsequent spouse, making sense of why she’s OK with Usman’s social practices, however they’re altogether different from her American marriage assumptions. “I love Usman enough to allow this to occur,” she said at that point. “I have discovered that I need to pick my fights.

I sort of ventured to the side with regards to this subject a smidgen yet we’ve talked, and we have lucidity on how it will be. We have an arrangement that is for us.”

However Kim said she can’t uncover how things will go at this moment, she recognized her underlying thought of the relationship appears to be unique from the real world.

“It’s something that I never figured I would envision, yet I believe that very much like assuming he at any point comes here, he must adjust to my way of life,” she added.

multi Day Life partner: Joyfully Ever Later? airs Sunday evenings at 8 p.m. ET on attention and discovery+.